“For investing, Bondora is the best teammate!”

Aivar Kuusmaa | Former Estonian basketball pro and youth team coach

226,672 people have invested over €972M and earned €123M

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Go & Grow - investing has never been easier

Go & Grow - investing has never been easier

Go & Grow works as easily as (if not easier than) traditional investment methods whilst giving you an impressive return of 6.75%* p. a. You simply add money to the account, then you can view and track your return on a daily basis. What’s more, there is no minimum term to hold your investment— meaning you can liquidate your account with ease. Sounds like your cup of tea?

“I've always been more of a sportsman than a businessman, but if you want to make a living, you have to be smart with your money”

Aivar Kuusmaa
Former Estonian basketball pro and youth team coach


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*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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