Bondora Blog

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Celebrating Success: Bondora Alumni at Flowstep

Bondora News

Have you ever wondered what sparks the creation of a groundbreaking startup? Join us behind the scenes of one such story, one with roots in Bondora. Picture this: A group of talented individuals are building something incredible at Bondora, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. Among them were Kaarel Roben, former…

Bondora Group Monthly Stats April 2024 

Stats & Data

Welcome to our monthly stats post for April. It’s your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.  Grab your coffee, and let’s dive into Bondora Group’s April news and statistics.  New Investors  In April, 1,984 more people…

Your Guide to Financial Success through Each Life Stage

Financial Well-being

Throughout each unique life stage, you will experience different challenges and opportunities associated with each part of life. Along this journey, your financial priorities and challenges evolve, shaping your path toward your financial well-being goals. Whether just starting early adulthood or almost retiring, understanding how to navigate the different life stages can help you achieve…

Description of Dashboard statistics

Bondora News

Our Dashboard is carefully designed to make some of the most helpful information available to you immediately after logging in to your account. From your Dashboard, you can access data like Account value, Net profit, Net return, your Portfolio value and Available funds. You can even click on „More stats“ to see more. Also, when…

An increase in the cash recovered in Estonia

Stats & Data

Welcome to our monthly blog post on the performance of recoveries. Below, we take a look at the percentage of principal and interest retrieved between 2014 – 2017. Why is 2017 showing the lowest recovery rate? On first glance, this may appear to show that the success of our recoveries process has slightly decreased since…

Average net income continues to increase in Estonia and Finland

Stats & Data

Recently, we have released several posts that explore the origination of loans by unique data like home ownership, education, employment duration and more. This month, we’re going to do the same and compare how this has changed in comparison to the previous months. Average income, loan amount and age In March, the average net income…

Bondora approaches 35,000 investors!

Stats & Data

Welcome to the monthly origination post for March 2018, here we go in to detail about the distribution of investments that were made and some interesting stats per country of origin. If you missed February’s post, you can check it out here. The total amount invested in the platform in March was €3,133,458, a reduction…

Automatic bidding process

Bondora News

When you make deposits to your Bondora account, it reflects on your available funds and the Portfolio Manager or Portfolio Pro bids from there. Whenever bids are made, the value of the bids in EURO is reserved in the Reserved funds, while waiting for the borrower to sign his own part of the loan contract….

Investor Visits – Exclusive insights from Martin

Bondora News

Last month, our German investors Martin and Ulrike visited the Bondora HQ in Tallinn, Estonia. Martin has been investing with Bondora for over 5 years and is an avid user of the API, find out more below. 1. Tell us a bit about yourself. 52 years old, living in the south of Germany in a…

Meet Bondora in Stuttgart!

Bondora News

This week the Bondora team will be at the INVEST finance trade fair in Stuttgart, Germany. We would love to meet some of our German investors, so please come and find our booth near the main stage at the event for a chat. The event takes place on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th April –…

Why do borrowers choose P2P instead of banks?

Financial Well-being

As investors, hopefully you are already aware of the multitude of advantages available to you by investing with a peer-to-peer lending platform. An important questions that is not so commonly discussed is, why do borrowers use P2P platforms instead of banks? Below we discuss the top 4 reasons why borrowers choose a P2P platform like…

Portfolio Manager back on top

Stats & Data

Welcome to another post from our monthly funding statistics series. Here, we talk about the most popular investment methods used by our customers in March and how this has changed since the previous month. Against the trend of previous months, Portfolio Pro decreased in popularity in March and the percentage of investments made through the…