Bondora Blog

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Celebrating Success: Bondora Alumni at Flowstep

Bondora News

Have you ever wondered what sparks the creation of a groundbreaking startup? Join us behind the scenes of one such story, one with roots in Bondora. Picture this: A group of talented individuals are building something incredible at Bondora, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. Among them were Kaarel Roben, former…

Bondora Group Monthly Stats April 2024 

Stats & Data

Welcome to our monthly stats post for April. It’s your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.  Grab your coffee, and let’s dive into Bondora Group’s April news and statistics.  New Investors  In April, 1,984 more people…

Your Guide to Financial Success through Each Life Stage

Financial Well-being

Throughout each unique life stage, you will experience different challenges and opportunities associated with each part of life. Along this journey, your financial priorities and challenges evolve, shaping your path toward your financial well-being goals. Whether just starting early adulthood or almost retiring, understanding how to navigate the different life stages can help you achieve…

Introducing the Bondora Rating

Stats & Data

As announced in some earlier newsletters, we are going to replace the current credit groups and payment history criteria with a credit scoring model that will assess each loan application separately based on specific criteria and assign them a certain Bondora Rating accordingly. With the introduction of the new credit scoring system, every loan application…

Lifting Secondary Market commissions on purchase price

Bondora News

As of today and up until the end of November we are lifting Secondary Market commission on purchase price. You can use this opportunity to build up your portfolio by purchasing loans without 1.5% commission and getting higher returns. See currently available Secondary Market offers Please remember that a small portion of loans are repaid…

Why your return rate may fluctuate

Stats & Data

If you are a new investor on our platform and don’t have many repayments from our investments yet, you may notice that your return rate may change significantly overnight. This happens because of the way we display your return, which is an annualized figure. To calculate your annualized return rate, we account for all actual…

Hidden opportunity in longer-term loans

Stats & Data

 In general, longer maturity of a loan is usually associated with higher risk; thus, some investors avoid investing into loans that have a duration of over 36 months. However, over 50% of the loans that came to Bondora marketplace this year had duration of over 36 months, so we decided to analyze if investors are…

Upcoming introduction of a Bondora Rating

Stats & Data

We are preparing for the launch of a Bondora Rating that would be used to estimate risk of loan applications and would like to give you an early preview of the upcoming change. The model used for calculating the Rating accounts for market specific levels of probability of default, exposure at default and recovery rates; thus, incorporating…

Another record month at Bondora

Stats & Data

We hit another record month this September with originated loan volume reaching EUR 2.25 million or a 10% increase from August. Big thanks to all our investors for the continued trust. We are constantly working on providing you with a larger selection of profitable investment opportunities.

A skeptical investor visits Bondora

Bondora News

Last August Bondora had an unusual guest for 1 month. We were contacted by a student from Stockholm School of Economics, who also happened to be our investor, asking for a possibility of an internship. As Madis Teinemaa explained us, he wanted to understand if Bondora was a sustainable platform and could not come up…

A day in the life of a Bondora credit analyst

Bondora News

Bondora credit approval process involves several checks, which are done on the borrowers. Today we will be lifting the curtain on the process of credit checking by introducing you to a day in the life of our credit analyst. We have 12 credit analysts, who are constantly performing checks on all incoming applications. We sat…

How much diversification is enough?

Bondora News

(An overview of how diversification has affected our investors’ returns.) The common suggestion is to diversify equally among a lot of different investments to reduce volatility caused by good or bad performance of any single investment and earn the platform average returns. But how much is good enough diversification? We have analyzed our investors’ loan…