Bondora Blog

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Celebrating Success: Bondora Alumni at Flowstep

Bondora News

Have you ever wondered what sparks the creation of a groundbreaking startup? Join us behind the scenes of one such story, one with roots in Bondora. Picture this: A group of talented individuals are building something incredible at Bondora, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. Among them were Kaarel Roben, former…

Bondora Group Monthly Stats April 2024 

Stats & Data

Welcome to our monthly stats post for April. It’s your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.  Grab your coffee, and let’s dive into Bondora Group’s April news and statistics.  New Investors  In April, 1,984 more people…

Your Guide to Financial Success through Each Life Stage

Financial Well-being

Throughout each unique life stage, you will experience different challenges and opportunities associated with each part of life. Along this journey, your financial priorities and challenges evolve, shaping your path toward your financial well-being goals. Whether just starting early adulthood or almost retiring, understanding how to navigate the different life stages can help you achieve…

Positive outlook on return rates despite slight decrease in May

Stats & Data

Bondora returns remain relatively constant, regardless of slight declines compared to April. With economic uncertainty, yet hopeful optimism as European countries relax lockdown restrictions, it should be interesting to see what the future brings. As always, performance charts by country are broken down by the number of loan issuances over the given period, with Orange…

Oil makes a comeback, facial recognition software gets the boot

Financial Well-being

In the wake of backlash against police violence in the United States, several technology companies have suspended their development of facial recognition technology. IBM CEO Arvind Krishna noted the use of facial recognition is biased and contributes to the perpetuation of racial discrimination: “IBM firmly opposes and will not condone uses of any technology, including…

Next stop: Financial freedom

Financial Well-being

Imagine having enough money in your bank account so you don’t have to live from salary to salary. Or not having to stress about daily expenses and bills. How great would it be to go on holiday without going into debt? Or being able to retire early, knowing your financial future is secure. That’s the…

Secondary market activity slows down in May

Stats & Data

After the spike in secondary market transactions in March, May’s numbers continue the descending trend we started seeing in April. Secondary market transactions totaled €616,975 on the month, showing a more gradual decrease of 29.5% compared to last month’s 34.3%. Portfolio Manager transactions accounted for most of the decline, showing a 40.8% decline from €405,371…

Go & Grow tax report – Bondora (Video)

Bondora News

Click here for the German or Estonian video. The tax treatment is different for Go & Grow compared to our other products, which is why you can download a separate tax report specifically for Go & Grow. To get started, open your Go & Grow. Click on the Settings icon on Go & Grow page…

Loan originations on the rise: May 2020

Stats & Data

After taking a dip in April, originations picked up again in May. As discussed over the last two months, Bondora made the conscious decision to focus on Estonian loan originations in an effort to keep the platform sustainable throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This also means no new originations were made via Go & Grow in…

Exciting platform updates — check what’s new!

Bondora News

They say a change is as good as a holiday. And seeing as our holiday plans have been postponed, we’ve decided to make some exciting changes at Bondora!  We’ve updated the dashboard, added a brand new Wallet feature, improved your user experience, and revamped our office. Read on to see how these changes will make…

Bondora continues to focus on Estonian originations in May

Stats & Data

As discussed last month, Bondora continues to focus its efforts on Estonian loan originations, which have remained strong over the first half of the year. In May, Estonian originations totaled €2,269,236—an 8.6% increase from April. Consolidation across rating categories In addition to consolidating loans across countries, Bondora has also consolidated loans across rating categories to…