Bondora Blog

Follow the Bondora Blog for personal finance tips, Bondora news, investment insight, and more!

Your Guide to Financial Success through Each Life Stage

Financial Well-being

Throughout each unique life stage, you will experience different challenges and opportunities associated with each part of life. Along this journey, your financial priorities and challenges evolve, shaping your path toward your financial well-being goals. Whether just starting early adulthood or almost retiring, understanding how to navigate the different life stages can help you achieve…

Bondora Monthly Stats March 2024

Bondora News

Welcome to our monthly stats post for March. This is your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read. Grab your coffee, and let’s dive into Bondora Group’s March news and statistics. New Investors In March, 2,077 people…

5 ways to teach your kids about investing

Financial Well-being

For many adults, investing is still a confusing pipedream that is rumored to lead to something called financial freedom. For those working outside of banking and finance, it may seem like those who invest are part of an exclusive elite club that have access to deals that are not available to the masses. While this…

What is P2P lending?

Bondora News

P2p lending at Bondora is quite different from the traditional bank credit models. Here, we make you the bank and we provide you the borrowers to lend to. We connect investors who are looking to invest their money with the borrowers who are seeking loans. Investors generate profits from the interests paid by the borrowers…

How to create a monthly budget

Financial Well-being

Setting yourself a monthly budget is a fantastic way to stay in control of your spending and move ever closer towards your financial goals. In reality, no one wants to spend the rest of their lives living pay-day to pay-day. To move away from this habit, you need to have discipline and determination while you’re…

At 2.85%, HR rated loans had the lowest share in January

Stats & Data

Welcome to the monthly origination post for January, here we go in to detail about the distribution of investments that were made and some interesting stats per country of origin. If you missed December’s post, you can check it out here. The total amount invested through the platform in January was €3,542,447, a 23.5% increase…

The Fintech revolution, what is it and why should you care?

Financial Well-being

You might have heard the term ‘Fintech’ used to describe a company before, this has emerged over the past decade to describe new financial technology start-up companies that are offering innovative and alternative finance solutions to customers all over the world. Many of the Fintech’s first emerged after the global financial crisis of 2008 when…

Changing your personal data

Bondora News

At Bondora, we see the personal information of our investors as sensitive and we make sure they cannot be changed without verification for the security of your account. This is why personal info such as name, mobile phone number and home address can only be changed by us, but if your Bondora account is fully…

Portfolio Pro breaks another record

Stats & Data

Welcome to another post from our monthly funding statistics series. Here, we talk about the most popular investment methods used by our customers in January and how this has changed since the previous month. Following December’s trend, Portfolio Pro has continued to storm ahead and the percentage of investments made through the tool have increased…